If your partner is facing an unplanned pregnancy, she is likely considering all her options. One of those options is abortion, and you may wonder whether your insurance plan will pay for the procedure. 

In New Mexico, abortion is legal through all stages of pregnancy. Your partner’s abortion costs will only be covered if she has New Mexico Medicaid. Other insurance coverage for this procedure depends on the individual plan, and she would only be covered on your plan if she is your spouse. Otherwise, it is unlikely that your insurance would pay for these costs. 

How Much Does Abortion Cost Without Insurance?

Out-of-pocket abortion costs vary depending on the type of procedure you have and your pregnancy’s gestational age. Typically, a medication abortion in New Mexico would cost about $650. 

A surgical abortion using vacuum aspiration could cost around $500, while a dilation and curettage (D & C) procedure is more expensive, with average costs between $1,000 and $2,000.

You should also consider additional costs, such as travel expenses, lodging fees, and time off from work. Follow-up appointments can also be costly without insurance. 

My Partner is Pregnant. What Should She Do?

If your partner has confirmed her pregnancy, she may wonder what to do next. La Luz Women’s Center offers no-cost, limited ultrasounds. Even if your partner is considering abortion, having an ultrasound is essential. 

Ultrasounds confirm key pregnancy details like viability, gestational age, and location. This information protects your partner’s health and may detect pregnancy-related conditions that require medical treatment. They can also inform your partner of her options. 

Next, she will want to undergo pregnancy options education. Even if your partner has made a decision, she should be informed of the risks and side effects associated with abortion and the help available to her with parenting and adoption. 

During this time, being a supportive partner is key. This pregnancy decision is your partner’s to make, but she may appreciate your help. You can attend appointments with her and help weigh options. An unplanned pregnancy can be tough, and she will be grateful that she is not alone. 

No-Cost, Confidential Services

La Luz Women’s Center is here for you and your partner. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you both.
